CONSUMERTRICS QUICK TAKE! How E-commerce impacts on consumer behaviour

CONSUMERTRICS QUICK TAKE! How E-commerce impacts on consumer behaviour



In recent times, E-commerce has had a significant impact on consumer behaviour and there are several reasons for this shift.

Take a look:

Convenience: One of the main reasons why e-commerce has become so popular is its convenience. Consumers can shop from anywhere, at any time, without having to physically visit a store. This has led to a shift in consumer behavior as people now expect convenience from all aspects of their shopping experience.

Personalization: E-commerce has also allowed for greater personalization in the shopping experience. Online retailers can use data to offer personalized product recommendations, marketing messages, and even pricing. This personalization has made shopping more efficient and enjoyable for consumers.

Price Comparison: With the ease of comparing prices and products, e-commerce has made it easier for consumers to find the best deals. This has led to a shift in consumer behavior as people are now more price-sensitive and willing to search for the best deals.

Reviews and Ratings: E-commerce has also allowed consumers to read reviews and ratings of products before purchasing them. This has made consumers more informed and has led to a shift in behavior as people are more likely to purchase products with high ratings and positive reviews.

Social Media: E-commerce has also been heavily influenced by social media. Consumers are now more likely to discover new products through social media platforms such as Linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. This has led to a shift in consumer behavior as people are now more likely to purchase products that they have seen on social media.

Overall, e-commerce has had a significant impact on consumer behavior by providing greater convenience, personalization, price comparison, access to reviews and ratings, and integration with social media platforms. As e-commerce continues to grow, it is likely that consumer behavior will continue to shift to reflect these changes.