Prevent Memory Loss As You Grow Older, This is How

Growing older affects different parts of the body, including the brain. For some, learning new thing and recalling events may be a challenge. It may yet be sight for others, thereby prompting their need for medicated glasses.

Consumertrics health guide, in this article, focuses on Vitamin D deficiency and its tendency to be a cause of dementia in ageing people, according to a recent study published in TheAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Therefore boosting low vitamin D levels to normal ranges could help protect the brain from depreciating in a manner that affects thinking skills in ageing people.

“Vitamin D is a hormone precursor that is increasingly recognized for widespread effects, including on brain health, but until now it has been very difficult to examine what would happen if we were able to prevent vitamin D deficiency,” Elina Hypponen, PhD, the senior study author and director of the Australian Centre for Precision Health at the University of South Australia, said in a statement.

“Our study is the first to examine the effect of very low levels of vitamin D on the risks of dementia and stroke, using robust genetic analyses among a large population,” she said.

The study, carried out on 294,000 people between ages 37 to 73, revealed about 2,400 people of them had dementia, while 3,760 had had a stroke.  All thanks to Vitamin D deficiency.

Dementia is a chronic syndrome that leads to a decline in thinking skills, including memory loss and having a hard time with daily activities.

The National Library of Medicine in a 2019 study claims its findings suggests prevalence and cases of dementia have increased in Nigeria over the last two decades.  Despite, the body laments the absence of a population-wide response to dementia.  As suggested earlier in this article, boosting your vitamin D intake prevents you from dementia.