BREAKING! “We’ll review all evidence before conferral,” Guinness World Records

BREAKING! “We'll review all evidence before confirmation,” Guinness World Records


The Guinness World Records has stepped forward to say, the team will commence the verification of all available evidence before it can confirm/certify the Nigerian Chef, Hilda Baci ‘cookathon’ feat.

The organization stated this on Twitter while responding to inquiries on why it has not acknowledged the achievement of the Nigerian chef.

As of 11:22 am on Monday, Baci has cooked for 91 hours and 21 minutes to surpass the previous record set by an Indian chef, Lata Tondon in 2019.

The previous titleholder cooked for 87 hours, 45 minutes, and 00 secs. Baci started her four-day cooking marathon challenge on May 11 at the Amore Gardens. The 27-year-old will keep cooking to extend the record till the 96th hour.

On Monday, Baci surpassed the previous record held by an Indian chef, Lata Tondon, who cooked for 87 hours, 45 minutes in 2019.

Responding to a Twitter user that asked why Guinness World Records has not started showing or talking about Bacci’s record, the body said:

“We’re aware of this amazing record attempt, we need to review all the evidence first before officially confirming a record.”

Bacci started the competition on Thursday, May 11, 2023, at 4 p.m. by turning on her cooker, and she beat the current world record holder on Monday morning.

If certified by Guinness World Records, she will top the current world record holder, Lata Tondon.