Leading real estate company, Seven30 Real Estate Limited, has declared its determination to restore clients’ faith, which has been rapidly eroding in the sector, in order to close the investment gap in the real estate market.
The Chief Executive Officer of Seven30 Real Estate Limited, Oluwole Fapohunda, stated this during the allocation of land to subscribers in the Epe area of Lagos on recently.
He said, “The company plans to bridge stakeholder’s real estate investment gaps and one of those gaps is trust. We like to believe we are a trust market and not a land market which is why we go out of our way to ensure that each client gets all the necessary documents for any land they purchase and their land is allocated as soon as possible.

“Most real estate companies do not do this. It takes some months or years. Some do not even allocate the land to their clients. Seven 30 is deliberate about the experience we give our customers. With ownership officially documented and verified, the risk of challenges to ownership is reduced and the likelihood of having to incur high costs in defending one’s possession of land is lower.”
According to Fapounda, allocation is important because unclear and unenforceable rights could lead to underinvestment, as the returns from any improvement and investment could be seized by others.

He added, “Allocation connects clients with their land and it is the highlight of real estate purchase. Seven30 aims to drive you into a lifetime investment that your only regret would be you didn’t buy more.
“Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security and about the only indestructible security. Real estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values and the least risk. Seven 30 Real Estate Limited is a real estate company that is set to create a real estate space that delivers a viable, safe and convenient investment portfolio.”