Fresh rules for internet providers on consumer promos unveiled

Internet service providers in the country have been given fresh guidelines on consumer promotions. In the newly released ‘Guideline on Promotional Advertisements,’ the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC), says telcos must specify the duration and date range of any promotion.

“In respect of promotions or advertisements containing promotions, the licensee must specify the duration and the date range of such promotion and the date of redemption of such promotional benefits.

“If supply of the goods and services are limited, or the licensee can fulfil only limited demand, this must be clearly stated in the communication for the promotion,” the guideline states.

The fresh rule states also that internet providers making promotions must specify to consumers “speed available to end-users as well as specific upload and download speed.

“If the connection speed quoted is only obtainable under special circumstances, then these circumstances should be clearly stated,” the rule also says.

The providers are also warned against engaging in unhealthy competitions through promotions. The regulatory authorities, in this regard, states that no provider must imitate the slogan of another in the bid to mislead consumers.