Google releases Android 13, beta 3

Google has released Android 13 beta 3 and the product has reached platform stability.

This means that there won’t be any significant changes to Android 13’s Application Programming Iinterfaces (API), and developers can tune their apps for the version when it rolls out to consumers.

“We’re asking all app and game developers to start your final compatibility testing now and prepare to publish your compatibility updates as soon as possible ahead of the final release,” the company said.

Google has focused on enhancing privacy and security with this version, but it also has some visual changes under the Material You design, which it first launched with Android 12.

The unique features in Android 13 are pre-set color variants that will allow consumers apply customized styles to apps. In addition, Android 13 brings dynamic color functionality, in a way that allows the app icons to match the schema of your background image on the home screen.