Lafarge Africa Plc, a leading Sub-Saharan Africa Building Solutions Company and member of Holcim, the global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions, has announced the commencement of the Holcim Awards for sustainable construction.
The Holcim Awards recognizes and promotes projects that combine sustainable designs and sustainable construction with architectural excellence.
Consumertrics notes that the Holcim awards, a pioneering global awards competition launched in 2004 has recognized over 250 prize winners from 30,000 entries in 130 countries, with six international competition cycles spanning two decades. The initiative has grown to be the most significant competition for sustainable construction.
To be eligible for the 2023 entry, the project must not have started construction before January 1, 2022, and must be at the following stages: detailed design, complete design, under construction, and completed construction.

According to the CEO, Lafarge Africa Plc, Khaled EL Dokani, the purpose of the global awards competition is to showcase and reward leading-edge thinking and real-world examples in practice that can accelerate the global movement for sustainable construction.
Speaking at the Holcim Awards media conference organized by Lafarge Africa in Nigeria and held on March 1st, 2023, the Head of Sustainability and Corporate Brand, Titilope Oguntugua said: “The competition features a total prize money of USD 1 million and is open for projects in architecture, building and civil engineering, landscape and urban design, materials, products, and construction technologies. The competition has two categories and is conducted in parallel as separate regional competitions across five regions: Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East Africa, and North America. USD 200,000 per region will be shared between winners of Holcim Awards Gold, Silver, Bronze, and acknowledgement prizes in every region.”
Oguntuga also noted that all entries will be evaluated by independent expert juries who will later nominate a shortlist of winners. Entries will be evaluated using the Holcim Foundation’s renewed goals for sustainable construction that serves as a framework to drive system change: uplifting places, a healthy planet, viable economics, and thriving communities.

The juries will be chaired by Tatiana Bilbao, Founder, Tatiana Bilbao Estudio (for region Latin America), Craig Dykers, Founding Partner, Snøhetta (North America), Lesley Lokko, Founder, African Futures Institute (Middle East Africa), Manit Rastogi, Founding Partner, Morphogenesis (Asia Pacific), and Belinda Tato, Founding member, Ecosistema Urbano (Europe).
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Do kindly note that there is no limit to the number of entries an individual/team can submit. The competition is open for entries until March 30, 2023, at 14:00 hrs UTC.