SA beats Nigeria in WASM’s first visit to Africa

SA beats Nigeria in WASM’s first visit to Africa


World Association for Sports Management (WASM) World Congress, has shunned Nigeria in its very first visit to Africa and headed to south Africa instead.

The Executive Management Board of WASM made the announcement during the ongoing 4th WASM Conference 2023, saying, the fifth Edition of its World Conference will be hosted by North West University, Cape Town-South Africa and not in Nigeria.

The Winning Bid
The Winning Bid

Also note that Africa actually beat three other Continental Bids in a Bid Competition which ranked Nigeria’s Africa Bid as second to South Africa, while the Australia Bid was ranked third from over 40 bids submitted by WASM members as all roads now Lead to Cape Town, South Africa.

Speaking to Local Media in Doha about WASM’s choice of visiting SA first in the whole of Africa, Professor Oluwaseun Omotayo expressed delight at the outcome of the Bid process.

According to him: “This is indeed a good development.”

A cross section of Africans attending the 4th WASM AGM,
A cross section of Africans attending the 4th WASM AGM

He continued: “Though Nigeria lost out to South Africa the joy for me as President Africa Sports Management Association (ASMA) is that Africa triumphed.”

“The Congress coming to Africa shall expectedly deepen Professionalism in Sports Management practice on the Continent,” he said.

LR Professor Oluwaseun Omotayo, Member of the WASM Executive Board and Acting President of ASMA, Dr. Karen Danylchuk - Out going President of WASM and Professor Ruth Crabtree - newly Elected President of WASM at the 4th AGM of WASM.
LR Professor Oluwaseun Omotayo, Member of the WASM Executive Board and Acting President of ASMA, Dr. Karen Danylchuk – Out going President of WASM and Professor Ruth Crabtree – newly Elected President of WASM at the 4th AGM of WASM.

The ASMA President led the Africa Delegation consisting of Members from Nigeria, Ghana, The Gambia, Ethiopia, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Benin, South Africa and Kenya to the Congress in Doha Qatar where Professor Ruth Crabtree of the United Kingdom emerged unopposed as the new WASM President.

The World Association for Sport Management (WASM) was founded to facilitate sport management research, teaching and learning excellence, and professional practice, across every continent.